September is National Gum Care Awareness Month! This means it’s a great time for us to revisit some simple tips and information to help you work with your kids to ensure good dental care that prevents gum disease.
Gum care is important because the gums protect the teeth and their roots. When people fail to take care of their gums, they could develop gum disease like gingivitis, which comes with some of the following symptoms:
Swollen or red gums
Frequent bleeding when brushing or flossing
Gum tenderness
Oozing abscesses from the gums
Receding gum line, affording less tooth protection
Loose teeth resulting from a receding gum line
Gum disease that gets out of hand can even result in or influence conditions such as diabetes, digestive cardiac problems.
Taking care of your gums
Gum disease usually is a result of a failure to follow proper oral hygiene, or by participating in bad habits such as smoking or tooth grinding/clenching.
Staying on top of good dental hygiene will help you avoid issues with gum disease. Work with your children to develop a strong oral hygiene regimen to protect gum health. Their routine should include:
Brushing: Brushing teeth with a properly sized toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste twice a day will help prevent a buildup of plaque and tartar that, if left unchecked, could get under the gums and cause inflammation and gum disease.
Flossing: Children need to get in the habit of flossing at least once daily. By reinforcing the habit early, you can ensure it will stick with them for their entire lives. For many adults, flossing is something they know they should be doing, but do not necessarily keep up on as well as brushing. Make it a point to floss once a day to remove plaque and debris from between the teeth and strengthen the gums.
Diet: Give your children a healthy diet that is low in sugars and starches to avoid wearing out the enamel of their teeth. They can have the occasional soda or candy bar here and there, but keeping the diet primarily healthy and well balanced will go a long way toward promoting better overall health, including oral health.
Checkups: Everyone, including children, should see the dentist at least twice a year for regular checkups, which should include tooth inspections and cleanings.
Reinforcing these habits early is crucial for long-term success in oral healthcare. For more information about how you can talk to your kids about gum health and their oral health habits, contact us today!